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The changing landscape of Security Services

A thought leadership piece by CSVA


In today's digital world, no security strategy is complete without the right technology. Every day, over 560,000 new types of malware are discovered, putting both cyber and physical security at risk. Therefore, choosing the right security providers and staying on top of the latest security technology trends is crucial for businesses. In this guide, we will explore the different types and components of security technology, as well as the latest security trends in physical security and cybersecurity, to help companies prepare for the future of security.

Types of Security Technology

Generally, security technology falls under two main categories: physical security and cybersecurity. While there are some key differences in the design and use cases for these types of security technology, they are both of equal importance. The best security strategies approach physical and cyber together as a combined effort, also known as security convergence. Understanding the differences between these security technology products, as well as how they work in cohesion to support each other, helps companies better prepare for the future of security.

Physical Security

Physical security refers to methods that protect against physical intrusions or actions within a space, including tools and technology used to monitor physical spaces and people's actions within that environment. The three main components of physical security are access control, surveillance, and testing. Some organizations are reluctant to invest in the latest security technology trends for this sector, but physical security plays a key role in protecting data and information too. With recent innovations and cloud security trends, physical security technology is getting smarter, with new capabilities to connect with other systems and improve incident responses. This interoperability is one reason physical security trends in 2022 point toward technology that leverages cloud-based software and AI.


Cybersecurity refers to strategies that secure information, data, and networks to protect digital assets. Cybersecurity, as well as its subsets of infosec and information technology security, are becoming more prominent among security industry trends. Recent security breach news often includes stories of hackers gaining access to confidential information by bypassing cybersecurity controls, or compromising information technology security systems. Every organization needs to know the latest cybersecurity trends if they want to avoid falling victim. Knowing the different types of cybersecurity systems is key to implementing best practices.

Components of Security Technology

There are four components of security technology that work together to create a holistic system. Deterrence, detection, prevention, and response are the four elements that make up a successful strategy, with common security technology examples of each. Deterrence refers to the security strategies used to minimize the risk of a security breach in the first place, such as physical barriers or advanced technology. Detection is the ability to quickly identify an incident, such as through real-time network monitoring or alarms. Prevention is designed to delay or slow the progress of a breach or intrusion, such as data encryption or multi-factor authentication. Response refers to the prompt and accurate response to security incidents, such as building lockdowns or remote access controls. A security system is only as good as its implementation practices, so organizations need to have security concepts and principles in place that define how and when each of the components are used. These methods are key to ensuring all elements of the system are working together to protect people, data, and spaces in a holistic way.

Cloud vs. On-Premise Security Technology

Choosing the right security system is an important decision and often a big investment for any size organization. There are two types of systems, with key differences to note: cloud-based and on-premise solutions. The main differentiator here is where these systems are managed. On-premise security tech runs on locally managed servers at the building site and is viewed as the more traditional, or “legacy” option. With cloud-based systems, the servers are managed by a third-party, with local data synced via the cloud. Most cloud security tech providers use

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