Why Codec Security?
Experience the Evolution of Technological Security Solutions with Codec Security Ventures Australia.
Our security technologies are designed to provide tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. With a focus on innovation and advanced capabilities, we aim to provide the most effective security technology solutions possible, enhancing safety and security for our clients while reducing costs and streamlining operations.
Differentiating Services
Value add future enabled technologies to augment your guarding requirements at a lower cost
Security Robots
Our robotic security solutions are designed to augment and replace human guards for mundane tasks, enabling personnel to focus on more complex assessments and interventions.
With the ability to operate 24/7, our robots provide a cost-effective and efficient security solution that enhances safety and security.
Autonomous Drones
We also offer drone security solutions, providing unparalleled flexibility and speed in responding to security incidents and inspecting difficult to reach areas.
Our drones have advanced AI and autonomous capabilities, enabling them to navigate and inspect areas quickly and safely, reducing risk to human personnel and enhancing the overall security posture.
Advanced AI integration
We also offer drone security solutions, providing unparalleled flexibility and speed in responding to security incidents and inspecting difficult to reach areas.
Our drones have advanced AI and autonomous capabilities, enabling them to navigate and inspect areas quickly and safely, reducing risk to human personnel and enhancing the overall security posture.
Our Mission:
Reinventing security with technology.
Augmenting human guards with technology reduces the demand and dependencies on human resources with the ability to operate 24/7.
Realising annualised savings per guard replacement while allowing security guards and support personnel to focus on more advanced security-related operations.
Our robots and drones are designed for real-time response and maximum efficiency.
They are equipped to sense multiple incident types, including:
human activity
unattended items
anomalous items
opened doors
leaks and spills
unusual sounds
wi-fi signals and strength
and many more
Our leadership team and its wealth of global and security business experience ensure our solutions provide businesses with improved security at lower cost.